Come worship with us Sundays at 10 AM at 1501 Saint Andrew Street, La Crosse, WI
Come to the table.
At Bluffs Community Church we invite you to come to the table. What does that mean? It means you are welcome here and we want you to come. It doesn’t matter what you believe or what life has thrown your way. There is a place at the table for you.
The truth isn’t always pretty but it will set you free. We tell the truth about how we feel and how we are doing but we also let Jesus bridge the gap between our feelings and His truth.
The Bible is a story of God entering into our dark night and providing Grace, Love, and Hope where there is none. Worship is our opportunity to acknowledge and honor God’s sacred presence in and around us.
We are designed to experience life and worship in community. At Bluffs, we lean into relationships and the challenges they bring with honesty and with the help of Jesus who is present when we gather.